Sunday, August 8, 2010

China dam

OCT. 19, 2008:
And so we begin the process of saying goodbye to China and to each other. Most of us are flying home tomorrow (Monday), but a few of us have additional travel in Asia. In any case, we all agree that this was a grand adventure, that we brought sunshine with us at every stage of the journey, and that we have made new friendships and enriched those that already existed.

We had a day on our own and went in many directions from museums, to the Bund, to the bazaar or other shopping venues. I will be posting some Shanghai street photos when I get back that will give you a feel for city life. Our suitcases are full, and our wallets less so. We have learned or perfected bargaining skills and enjoyed the satisfaction of a good find.

Tonight we shared a farewell party with our Wisconsin friends, otherwise known as Bus 2 (we think they need a new fight song). Our AHI guides did a marvelous job leading us from place to place and to the head of many lines. And we looked out for each other and shared many laughs, sights, and adventures. This evening ended, as all Ohio State gatherings should, with Carmen Ohio and an impromptu and mercifully brief Script Ohio.

Thank you for reading our China story and sharing the highlights with us. More photos will be posted in a few days. We would love to have your feedback through the "Talk to Us" link at the left.

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