Friday, August 6, 2010


hank goodness the trail is well marked or finding our way out by yesterdays tire tracks would have been impossible.

Cindy wanted to do more driving today so I got down my Mountain Bike to ride along and snap pictures when the scene looked too good to pass up. Many of the trails I've ridden in the Utah area so far would suck on a mountain bike, even though this is the Mountain Bike Capitol of the world.

Luckily each trail I've ridden I've been on one of my buddy Jim's Dual Sport KTM's (the people we're staying with in Utah right now), but I've thought to myself each time that I'd never want to ride any of these trails on a skinny wheeled mountain bike due to the deep and constant sands. The White Rim
Trail is different as it allows you to ride faster than you can drive in the truck with very little effort.

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